

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

May 2024 North America Newsletter

J-PAL North America's May newsletter features an interview with Rachel Maltz, Senior Program Manager of the City of Carlsbad California’s Innovation and Economic Development Department; new research results on understanding demand for police alternatives, and a blog post on the effects of increasing...

May 2024 Newsletter

J-PAL and MIT offer new Public Policy Master’s track, Celebrating Earth Day 2024, and highlighting J-PAL Scholars.

J-PAL and MIT’s Master of Applied Science in Data, Economics, and Design of Policy program adds a Public Policy Track

This expansion adds a new Public Policy Track to complement the existing International Development Track, opening up new avenues for student learning and research. Designed to tackle poverty alleviation and other pressing policy challenges in the United States and other high-income countries, the...

Egypt’s Minister of Planning and Economic Development officially approves integration of the Egypt Impact Evaluation Lab into the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development

Dr. Hala El Said, Egypt's Minister of Planning and Economic Development, has officially approved the integration of the Egypt Impact Lab (EIL) into the organizational structure of the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development to support evidence-based policies and interventions...

Boletin de Norteamérica Abril 2024

J-PAL North America's April newsletter features our research partnerships in Puerto Rico and new research results on medical debt relief.

Abril 2024 Boletín Trimestral de J-PAL LAC

En el boletín trimestral de J-PAL LAC damos la bienvenida a Jeanne Lafortune como co-directora científica de J-PAL LAC. También, presentamos avances interesantes de alianzas gubernamentales para la región y eventos con los gobiernos de Chile y Argentina. Descubra las últimas actualizaciones sobre...

April 2024 Newsletter

In the April 2024 newsletter, read about launching the Cape Town Water, Air, and Energy Lab, a new Policy Insight on preventing crime and violence, and lessons from the Nobel Symposium.

How social norms hold women back: A look at recent evidence

In light of India’s low female labour force participation rate, as a follow up to International Women’s Day, I4I Deputy Managing Editor Nikita Mujumdar highlights a selection of economic research on social and household norms in India which have held women back from taking up higher education and...