Globally Informed, Locally Grounded
Our local grounding is critical to the success of our work. Based at leading universities on five continents, J-PAL’s seven regional offices anchor our research, policy engagement, and training.
Our teams in these offices understand local issues, local contexts, and local languages. We provide high-quality on-the-ground research support to our network of academics, including contributing to the design of survey instruments, managing survey teams, and building key relationships with implementing partners.
We also form close partnerships with governments, advocacy organizations, and NGOs to help map evidence to partners' priorities and build up a culture of evidence-informed policymaking.
Hear from our regional leadership on strategic efforts in the last year and top priorities for 2023.

J-PAL Africa
"In 2022, many of our team’s efforts of the past two to five years came to fruition at J-PAL Africa."
—Anna Kilpatrick, Interim Executive Director, J-PAL Africa
J-PAL Europe
"At this difficult moment for our region, the stakes to ensure that social programs and policies are informed by rigorous evidence are higher than ever."
—Anna Schrimpf, Executive Director, J-PAL Europe

J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean
"There is still much to do, but seeing what we have already achieved makes me confident that we will continue changing lives for the better."
—Paula Pedro, Executive Director, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean
J-PAL Middle East and North Africa
"We continue to grow the team in Egypt and Morocco, bringing fresh graduates, sector experts, and senior leadership alike into J-PAL MENA."
—Alison Fahey, Executive Director, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

J-PAL North America
"Randomized evaluations are now being used to improve education, increase access to health care, and improve job opportunities, among other key policy areas."
—Laura Feeney and Vincent Quan, Co-Executive Directors, J-PAL North America
J-PAL South Asia
"With the deepening climate crises and worsening post-pandemic situation for women and children across all development aspects, our next few years will focus on intersectional issues to address challenges of those at greatest risk."
—Shobhini Mukerji, Executive Director, J-PAL South Asia

J-PAL Southeast Asia
"Gender, financial inclusion, and environment are our top priority sectors for 2022, and will remain so for the coming years."
—Lina Marliani, Executive Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia