Nuestros Socios

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Nuestro trabajo no sería posible sin la colaboración y la dedicación de muchos socios. Juntos estamos impulsados ​​por una creencia compartida en el poder de la evidencia científica para comprender lo que realmente funciona en la lucha contra la pobreza.

Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), una organización de investigación sin fines de lucro con programas y oficinas en todo el mundo. Otros socios son: 

  • Organizaciones implementadoras como gobiernos, ONGs, organizaciones multilaterales y empresas que llevan programas que son evaluados por nuestros profesores afiliados, o las cuales utilizan nuestras lecciones de políticas públicas para invertir en programas que han demostrado ser efectivos.
  • Donantes, incluyendo fundaciones y organizaciones bilaterales, que proporcionan fondos para evaluaciones, escalamientos e iniciativas de investigación.
  • Centros de investigación y organizaciones que implementan las evaluaciones aleatorias de nuestros profesores afiliados, incluido el Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, el Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), el Crime Lab en la Universidad de Chicago, el Evidence for Policy Desing (EPoD) en Harvard Kennedy School y el IFMR Lead.

Aalto Behavioral Lab

Aalto Behavioural Laboratory (ABL) has various different monitoring and stimulus systems for behavioural studies in controlled environment.

Aarhus University Centre for Labour Market Research and Impact Studies (CAFE)

CAFE conducts research on the effects of labor market policies on the outcomes of individuals and firms.

Abt Associates

Abt Associates applies research and consulting techniques to a wide range of issues in social, economic, and health policy, international development, business research, and clinical trials and registries. They have partnered with J-PAL to extend health insurance in Nicaragua.

Access Capital S.C.

Access Capital is a private company which supports economic growth in Ethiopia by i) helping dynamic Ethiopian businesses raise funds and ii) widening the opportunities for investors.

Access to Information (A2i) in Bangladesh

a2i drives the creation of a public service innovation ecosystem and delivery infrastructure from the Prime Minister’s Office working closely with the Cabinet Division.

Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)

An anti-poverty and community development non-profit that does work in Boston.

Action on Armed Violence

Action on Armed Violence seeks to reduce the impact of armed violence through monitoring and research of the causes and consequences of weapon-based violence. We have a specific focus on the impact of explosive weapons with wide area effects in populated areas and have been running a global monitor...

ActionAid International Nigeria (AAIN)

ActionAid is a global movement of people working together to further human rights for all and defeat poverty. They prioritize working with the poor and excluded, promoting values and commitment in civil society, institutions and governments with the aim of achieving structural changes to eradicate...

Acumen Fund

Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty.


Adglow helps organization navigate social media advertisements. is a rental listing service for units in HUD's Section 8 Housing Voucher Program in housing markets across the United States. (formerly known as GoSection8) is working with J-PAL to evaluate the impact of multiple interventions on families searching for...


Aflatoun provides children aged 6-18 with Social & Financial Education. Aflatoun provides children with the building blocks of life, encouraging them to save their resources and start social and financial microenterprises.

Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL)

The World Bank’s Africa Region Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) conducts impact evaluations which assess the outcome of development interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, to generate evidence on how to close the gender gap in earnings, productivity, assets, and agency.

Africa Improved Foods

We are contributing to private sector development and raising food safety standards throughout the region.

African Breeders Services

African Breeders Services Total Cattle Management, Limited (ABSTCM Ltd) is a distributor for Cogent, Africa growth, and Kenya animal center. ABSTCM Ltd maintains fully staffed facilities for genetics distribution, liquid nitrogen production and feed analysis laboratory, all backed up with competent...