
El equipo de J-PAL está formado por personas que a través de su experiencia y conocimiento, hacen de nuestra misión una realidad. Este espíritu de excelencia se refleja en el trabajo de todos los miembros de J-PAL, desde los coordinadores de campo que trabajan en la distante Bihar, pasando por quienes lideran desde las universidades anfitrionas de las distintas regiones que las que estamos localizados, hasta quienes trabajan coordinando nuestros esfuerzos desde la oficina central en Cambridge, Estados Unidos.

Headshot of Marwa Naieem

Senior finance Officer, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Youssr Abbas

Research Operations Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Esraa Abdelrahman

Research Operations Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Shaimaa Abdelrazik

Research Operations Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Hind Abo Almajd

Senior Research Operations Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Sherry Adeeb

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Noha Adel

Research Manager, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Maha Adel

Research Operations Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Arwa Adel headshot

Policy Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Nayera Husseiny

Senior Policy & Communications Manager, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Nagla Elkhorieby headshot

Senior Policy & Communications Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Nada Alaaeldin headshot

Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Amira Ali headshot

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Hady Aly

Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Sara Ameziane Hassani

Policy Associate-Morocco Employment Lab, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Mireille Antoun

Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Yehia Ashraf

Research Operations Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Youssef Assarssah

Research associate, Morocco Employment Lab, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Sabreen Attallah

Senior Policy & Communications Manager, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Jamila Ayoub

Operations, HR and Finance Manager, Morocco Employment Lab, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Mennatallah Badr

Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Headshot of Maha Balbaa

Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa

Bruno Crépon photo

Director/a Científico/a, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa


ENSAE and École Polytechnique

Headshot of Florencia Devoto

Lab Director, Morocco Innovation and Evaluation Lab, J-PAL Middle East and North Africa