Firman Witoelar Kartaadipoetra

J-PAL Affiliated Professor
Associate Professor
Australia National University
Firman Witoelar Kartaadipoetra is an associate professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australia National University. Firman’s research interests are microeconomics of development: health behavior and outcomes, economics of aging, education and labor market outcomes, consumption and income dynamics, intersection of poverty and gender, long term dynamics of human capital formation and outcomes, survey design and methodology, and impact evaluation.
Since 2000, Firman has been involved with the development and implementation of Indonesia Family Life Survey. Previously he was the research director of SurveyMeter, a research organization based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Before that he was a research economist at the development economics research group (DECRG) at the World Bank, Washington, DC. He received his PhD in economics from the Michigan State University.