Online Courses

J-PAL’s online courses bring our training materials on impact evaluation to a worldwide audience.

Upcoming course dates

Visit the links below to enroll in upcoming online courses or view the most recent course run. Online courses run in regular intervals or on a rolling basis. Links to the next offering will be updated as they become available. 

Course Duration 2024 dates Certificate fee (optional)
Evaluating Social Programs Self-paced September 17 - December 20 $99
Evaluación de Impacto de Programas Sociales Self-paced June 18 - July 23 $99
Avaliação de Impacto de Programas e Políticas Sociais Self-paced Rolling N/A
Designing & Running Randomized Evaluations 11 weeks Sept. 10 - Dec. 17 (fall); Jan. 21 - Apr. 30 (spring 2025) $250-$1,000 (based on income)
Measuring Health Outcomes in Field Surveys Self-paced Rolling N/A

J-PAL 101x: Evaluating Social Programs

Learn why randomized evaluations matter and how they can be used to rigorously measure the impact of social programs through this interactive, online version of our flagship in-person training course. Learners will gain a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and how they are conducted in real-world settings.

The self-paced course is available in three languages and is free of cost, except for a small fee for an optional certificate of completion. Visit the course pages below to learn more and register.

For researchers looking for more in-depth practical guidance for conducting randomized evaluations, including modules on survey design and data collection and management, we encourage you to enroll J-PAL’s semester-long course on Designing and Running Randomizations (see below for more details).

Organizations - Contact us to learn how to enroll your staff as a cohort in our blended learning program, which provides private forums, dedicated TA support, and live webinars tailored to your organization’s priorities.

J-PAL 102x: Designing and Running Randomized Evaluations

Learn about why and when to conduct randomized evaluations and the key components of a well-designed randomized evaluation. Additional topics include:

  • How to implement randomized evaluations in the field
  • Questionnaire design, piloting, and quality control
  • Data collection and management
  • Best practices to ensure research transparency

The 11-week course is offered two times per year on the MITx Online platform. Visit the course page to learn more and register.

This course is part of the J-PAL/MITx MicroMasters program in Data, Economics, and Design of Policy, a rigorous academic program that combines online coursework with proctored exams to earn a MicroMasters credential. The courses cover topics in economics, econometrics, development, and policy and can be taken individually without enrolling in the full program or taking the exams. Learn more about MicroMasters program or visit the MicroMasters portal to register.


J-PAL 350x: Measuring Health Outcomes in Field Surveys

This course focuses on the fundamentals of field-based health research with an emphasis on measuring health outcomes in low resource settings. The course showcases real world examples from research studies by J-PAL affiliated professors in India and Kenya to provide practical insights about study design, measurement of health outcomes and data collection, as well as common challenges and constraints in implementing health surveys in the field. The course covers topics such as:

  • Measuring individual and population health
  • Selecting health indicators
  • Measurement tools and selection
  • Questionnaire development
  • Ethical issues

The course content, hosted on MIT’s Open Learning Library, is free to access at any time. Please note that certificates cannot be earned for Open Learning Library courses.

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