Towards Inclusive Digital Finance in Indonesia

To officially launch the Inclusive Financial Innovation Initiative (IFII) and kick off the learning collaborative, J-PAL Southeast Asia is organizing a webinar to share valuable findings from the whitepaper to inform digital financial services (DFS) stakeholders and policy decisions.
This whitepaper draws from global literature review, quantitative data analysis, and in-depth stakeholder interviews with policymakers, practitioners, academics, and NGOs. The lessons learned are expected to inform DFS sector stakeholders on how, and in which areas, generating rigorous evidence can be valuable for policy and decision making. This event will foster multi-stakeholder engagement and interagency dialogue surrounding the role of DFS and e-commerce in advancing financial inclusion.
The event will include an interactive presentation with short breakout discussions to discuss key findings from the whitepaper. There will also be a panel discussion, where speakers will discuss the study findings and reflect on how it relates to their work. Speakers will also lay out the direction of regulatory reforms relevant to the DFS landscape. This event is free and open to the public.
Agenda and Speakers
Opening Speech
Bapak Iskandar Simorangkir
Deputy of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Affairs, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs
Interactive Presentation & Short Breakout Discussions: Towards Inclusive Digital Finance in Indonesia – Findings from the Inclusive Financial Innovation Initiative (IFII) Whitepaper
Simone Schaner
Initiative Co-Chair, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Southern California (USC)
Panel Discussion: Experts Reflect
Bapak Ricky Satria
Deputy Director, Department of Payment System Policy, Central Bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia)
Ibu Ida Rumondang
Senior Executive Researcher, Department of Financial Sector Research, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan)
Moderator: Bapak Djauhari Sitorus
Head of Project Management Office, Dewan Nasional Keuangan Inklusif (DNKI), Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs