Daniel Rakotomalala
Data Manager, J-PAL Europe
Daniel Rakotomalala works at J-PAL Europe as a Data Manager for the Innovation, Data and Experiments in Education (IDEE) programme. IDEE, a long-term government-funded initiative, helps researchers interested in running large-scale RCTs in the French education system by facilitating access to administrative data, providing research resources and measurement tools, and structuring partnerships with policy-makers and practitioners, with the aim of making France a leader in education research and innovation. The IDEE consortium brings together leading researchers and labs in economics, sociology, psychology, education, and cognitive sciences, coordinated by the Ecole Normale Supérieure/PSL and led by J-PAL Europe at the Paris School of Economics.
Prior to joining J-PAL in 2022, Daniel obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of La Réunion.