
Our staff work in four verticals: Research, Education, and Training; Policy and Communications; Evidence to Scale, and Finance and Operations. Staff support J-PAL's work at our global office at MIT and regional offices worldwide.


Constanza Alarcón

Policy Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Carolina Allende

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Senior Training and Education Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Javiera Atala

Research Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot Junia Barboza

Policy Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Isidora Barría

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Matias Bertranou Dammert

Research Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Ivan Brant

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Gaby Bustamante

Senior Policy and Communications Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Filipe Cavalcanti

Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Edivaldo Constantino

Senior Research Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Renata Cossio

Communications Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot Jordana De Jesus

Policy Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Jeniffer de Souza

Research Associate for Project Support, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Giovanni Di Pietra

Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Vianney Fernandez

Policy Manager, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Jordan Ferreira

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Sebastian Figari

Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Luiz Felipe Fontes

Postdoctoral Associate - JOI Brazil, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Giordano Frias Martinelli

Finance and Operations Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe


Directeur Scientifique / Directrice Scientifique, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Full Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Headshot of Yerly Hernandez

Assistant, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe

Headshot of Cesar Huaroto

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL América Latina e Caribe