
Policy Publications

Search our database of policy briefcases, bulletins, and evidence reviews. Briefcases summarize the results and policy recommendations from one randomized evaluation, while bulletins synthesize the broader policy lessons emerging from multiple evaluations on the same topic. Evidence reviews summarize an existing academic literature review, like a handbook chapter or white paper, for a policy audience.

Displaying 1-9 of 82
Hand using an ATM

Evidence in Labor Market Policies and Implications for Brazil: Microcredit

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سبتمبر 13, 2024
Limited access to financing is a significant barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises, and microcredit programs aim to help entrepreneurs by offering low-value financing to foster growth. This publication, co-authored by JOI Brasil and the Inter-American Development Bank, reviews evidence on...
Person signing a job search form

Evidence in Labor Market Policies and Implications for Brazil: Job Search Assistance

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سبتمبر 5, 2024
Barriers like skill communication issues, lack of information, and behavioral biases can complicate the job search process. This publication, co-authored by JOI Brasil and the Inter-American Development Bank, examines evidence on job search assistance programs and their implications for improving...
Female students wearing headscarves are seated in an English classroom at Jambiani Secondary School in Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Boosting Adolescent Girls' Agency Through Life Skills Training

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مارس 12, 2024
three children play on the ground while two seated adults watch

Measurement of Holistic Skills in RCTs: Review and Guidelines

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ديسمبر 1, 2023
J-PAL recently launched its Learning for All Initiative, which has a core focus on breadth of skills. There is much to learn about whether and how interventions can affect skills that extend beyond literacy and numeracy, including cognitive skills, social skills, emotional skills, creative skills...
Cover of SJY Playbook

Going the Last Mile: Lifting ultra-poor households out of extreme poverty

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أكتوبر 27, 2023
The Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (known as JEEViKA), NGO Bandhan-Konnagar, and J-PAL South Asia launched the Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana: Ending Ultra Poverty at Scale, a playbook developed for government and civil society organizations working towards ending extreme poverty. The...
Doctor speaking to parent and child

The Spillover Effects of Health Care Interventions in the United States: Evidence Wrap-Up

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أكتوبر 10, 2023
Health care policies and interventions are often designed with a specific population in mind. However, they can have effects that go beyond the specific target population. These effects are referred to as “spillover effects.” This publication showcases studies conducted by J-PAL affiliated...
A group of young friends talk to each other

Cultivating Active Citizenship Skills Among Youth

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سبتمبر 28, 2023
A civic education programme implemented through student-centred teaching methods cultivated students’ sense of altruism and tolerance towards others. The intervention also improved students’ academic achievement and school behaviour.
A man works at a spice stall

الفائزون والخاسرون: فوائد ومخاطر الائتمان

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أغسطس 31, 2023
لــم يكــن لتقديــم قــروض كبيــرة للشــركات أو المشــروعات الصغيــرة فــي مصــر أي تأثيــر علــى أربــاح المقتــرض العــادي، إلا أن رواد الأعمــال الذيــن توقعــوا مقدًًمــا أن يكونــوا مــن ذوي الأداء الأفضــل حققــوا عوائــد أعلــى بكثيــر مــن أقرانهــم.