

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

MIT's J-PAL North America launches Health Care Delivery Innovation Competition

J-PAL North America has launched a new Health Care Delivery Innovation Competition that will support U.S. federal, state, and local health agencies and other health care organizations in developing compelling and reliable evidence of the impact of innovative programs.

February 2016 Newsletter

J-PAL's free online course on evaluating social programs begins April 1 | Randomized evaluations is focus of first lecture in new series by Aga Khan Foundation Canada and Global Affairs Canada | New bulletin on weather index insurance | Welcome new affiliated professor Koichiro Ito

eNews - December 2015

A website and logo for the New Year | Government of Andhra Pradesh to scale up 'Teaching at the Right Level' with Pratham and J-PAL South Asia at IFMR | Responding to Risk: HIV Prevention and Male Circumcision | North America wrap-up of evidence: from crime to voting | Featured Affiliate: Amy...

Government of Andhra Pradesh to scale up ‘Teaching at the Right Level’ with Pratham and J-PAL South Asia at IFMR

The evidence-based program aims to improve basic reading and numeracy skills in primary schools by re-organizing children according to ability instead of age or grade, and providing focused, tailored instruction.It will be introduced in over 1,600 government schools in the district of Anantapur...

eNews - November 2015

This month we hosted an event in Ghana where experts discussed evidence on voter information and engagement programs, and we welcome new Executive Directors at J-PAL North America and Southeast Asia and four new affiliated professors.

eNews - October 2015

New initiative offers US policymakers funding and technical expertise to solve key social problems | J-PAL hosts two training courses in the Middle East | Shawn Cole receives Aspen Faculty Pioneer Award

MIT’s J-PAL North America launches state and local innovation initiative

“The new J-PAL initiative is a fantastic opportunity for governments who want to better understand the impact of their programs,” said Linda Gibbs, Principal at Bloomberg Associates and former New York City Deputy Mayor of Health and Human Services. Learn more about J-PAL North America's State and...

eNews - September 2015

White House supports use of behavioral science insights in policymaking | Researchers discuss field experiments in labor economics and social policies at Paris conference | Featured Professor: Lisa Cameron | J-PAL Africa Executive Education: January 18-22, 2016