Digital Learning: Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching in Egypt

Please join us for the upcoming Global Evidence for Egypt spotlight seminar on digital learning, which will focus on how evidence from randomized evaluations conducted globally can inform the use of educational technology to improve learning outcomes.
This seminar is co-hosted by J-PAL Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at the American University in Cairo and UNICEF Egypt. It is the eighth in the Global Evidence for Egypt spotlight seminar series, which brings together Egyptian policymakers and researchers in the J-PAL network in a discussion about how to tackle priority policy issues in Egypt.
During each seminar, policymakers highlight a particular development priority in Egypt, and J-PAL affiliated researchers offer evidence-informed insights to improve policy and program design from a global perspective. Together, the panel of policymakers and J-PAL affiliates ground the evidence in the Egyptian context and explore possible policy solutions.
This seminar will be delivered by Andreas de Barros, assistant professor at University of California, Irvine, and will highlight evidence on the use of technology in education — specifically how low-tech interventions can facilitate student-centered learning and improve access to education for children who are socially and economically marginalized.
A panel discussion will also take place to foster a conversation about Egypt’s education priorities in relation to relevant rigorous global evidence on digital learning, with the aim of ensuring that education financing and resources are effectively allocated within the Egyptian context.
Watch the livestream recording >>
Dr. Ahmed Daher, Deputy Minister for Technological Development
Dr. Samer Atallah, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and Associate Professor of Economics at The American University in Cairo’s School of Business
Mr. Liban Hussein, Chief of Social Policy and Child Rights Monitoring, and Acting Deputy Representative Programme, UNICEF Egypt
Dr. Andreas de Barros, Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine’s School of Education
Dr. Ahmed Elsayed, Executive Director of J-PAL MENA at AUC and Associate Professor at The American University in Cairo’s School of Business
Mr. Shiraz Chakera, Chief of Education for UNICEF Egypt
Ms. Hend Gelgel, Egypt Go-To-Market Consultant at Wadhwani Foundation