Jobs and Opportunity Initiative Brazil (JOI Brazil)
If we want to improve labor market conditions in Brazil, what strategy should we choose? Launched in 2020, the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative (JOI) is a J-PAL worldwide initiative that aims at generating robust evidence on policies that address pressing labor market challenges. In 2021, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean launched the Jobs and Opportunity Initiative Brazil (JOI Brazil), which will replicate the actions of JOI for the Brazilian context. JOI Brazil has the partnership of the Arymax Foundation, B3 Social, Tide Setubal Foundation, Potencia Ventures, the Inter-American Development Bank, and Insper. By strengthening innovative actions and fostering rigorous research, JOI Brazil will seek to deepen the debate on the labor market in Brazil and disseminate the knowledge created to governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, as well as foundations in the country. Research anchored in scientific evidence will help identify what really works and scale the mechanisms that consistently impact people's lives.
Key Facts
- Research RFP: Closed
Implementing Partner
For Decision Makers
Evidence in Labor Market Policies and Implications for Brazil
Besides generating new evidence related to labor markets and opportunities, JOI Brazil seeks to promote a culture of evidence-informed policy making and disseminate what we have already learned from evaluations. The series of publications, "Evidence in Labor Market Policies and Implications for Brazil," reviews existing research around critical labor market issues and considers its policy implications for the Brazilian context.
Initiative Team
Board Members
Marianne Bertrand, Co-Chair, Labor Markets, J-PAL Executive Committee
Claudio Ferraz, Co-Chair, Labor Markets, J-PAL LAC
Edivaldo Constantino, Manager, JOI Brazil
André Mancha, Senior Training and Research Associate, JOI Brazil
Luiz Felipe Fontes, Fellow, JOI Brazil