

Gran parte de nuestros esfuerzos, resultados y logros son frecuentemente publicados en variados lugares del mundo en blogs, prensa escrita, podcasts y contenido en línea, entre otros.

Abril 2024 Boletín Trimestral de J-PAL LAC

En el boletín trimestral de J-PAL LAC damos la bienvenida a Jeanne Lafortune como co-directora científica de J-PAL LAC. También, presentamos avances interesantes de alianzas gubernamentales para la región y eventos con los gobiernos de Chile y Argentina. Descubra las últimas actualizaciones sobre...

Jeanne Lafortune takes over as co-scientific director of J-PAL LAC

The Instituto de Economía UC congratulates J-PAL affiliate and UC Chile professor Jeanne Laforne as co-scientific director of J-PAL LAC. They interviewed her and shared some of her goals and priorities in the new role.

Academic from the UC Institute of Economics presents at the JPAL-LAC international seminar on school tutoring

The Instituto de Economía UC spotlights the J-PAL affiliate Michela Carlana (Harvard) and J-PAL LAC co-scientific director Francisco Gallego's participation in an international education seminar in Chile. They shared their experience with school tutoring. The seminar reflected on school tutoring as...

National and international evidence on school tutoring to close educational gaps

The UC Public Policy Center summarizes the international seminar on education "Closing educational gaps from UC: the experience of school tutoring" (Cerrando brechas educativas desde la UC: la experiencia de las tutorías escolares). J-PAL affiliated Michela Carlana and J-PAL LAC co-scientific...

A new class graduated from the Diploma in Impact Evaluation of Public Policies and Social Programs 2023

The Instituto de Economía UC highlights the graduation ceremony of the seventh cohort of the Diploma in Impact Evaluation of Public Programs and Policies that we organized together. Forty-one students from ten Latin American countries and one European country are now part of a vibrant network of...

Boletín de resumen del año J-PAL LAC 2023

Este boletín especial de J-PAL LAC celebra el vigésimo aniversario de J-PAL destacando los logros más notables del centro de investigación en la región en el último año.

Here’s a realistic path to protecting the Amazon rainforest

As trees disappear, the Amazon’s ability to return moisture to the atmosphere declines, leading to less rainfall, higher temperatures and a dry forest. Unless levels of deforestation drop dramatically, this feedback loop could transform over half of the Amazon into savanna within decades.

Octubre 2023 Boletín Trimestral de J-PAL LAC

El tercer número del boletín trimestral de J-PAL LAC destaca que el centro CLEAR para América Latina y el Caribe (CLEAR-LAC) se establecerá en la Universidad Católica de Chile. Dentro de ella, J-PAL LAC, junto con el Centro de Políticas Públicas de la UC y Mide UC, apoyarán a CLEAR-LAC para asegurar...