

Parcourez les articles de presse, médias en ligne, blogs, podcasts et vidéos sur notre travail et la recherche de nos affiliés, ainsi que nos communiqués et lettres d'information, par année. Nous invitons les médias à nous contacter par courriel

The Impact of an Online Math Learning Platform on Test Scores and Attitudes Towards Math in Brazil

Lucas Finamor
Lycia Lima
Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to measure the impacts of the Khan Academy’s online platform on math scores in Brazilian public schools. Despite improving student’s attitudes towards math, the program had mixed impact on students’ test scores depending on program implementation and...

Principal Training to Improve Student Achievement in Puerto Rico

Researchers are evaluating the impact of changes in school management practices on student outcomes over time by introducing a large-scale principal training program for school directors in Puerto Rico and testing different strategies to sustain improved management practices after the program.

Are Information Disclosures Effective in the Credit Card Market? Evidence from Mexico

Enrique Seira Bejarano
Jesús Alan Elizondo Flores
Eduardo Laguna-Muggenburg

The Impact of a School-Based Management Program on Student Performance in Mexico

Vicente Garcia-Moreno
Harry Anthony Patrinos
Researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to determine the effect of a school-based management program, Programa Escuelas de Calidad, on student performance in Mexico. The program combined a cash grant with state support to design and carry out school improvement plans. The intervention did not...