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Close up image of a microscope in a lab with two hands adjusting its scope.

Announcing J-PAL’s Science for Progress Initiative

SfPI is part of a broader effort to equip the scientific ecosystem with the capabilities needed to apply the scientific method to itself—to create, in other words, a practice of “metascience.” Under SfPI, J-PAL will apply the methodological approach of randomized evaluation to the practice of...
Woman carrying backet of tropical fruit in the Amazon forest

¿Cómo conservar mejor la Amazonía? Preguntas abiertas para evaluaciones aleatorizadas

La selva amazónica, que cubre más de nueve países de América Latina, tiene un papel esencial en el medio ambiente y el clima. ¿Qué políticas son las más efectivas para protegerla y reducir su deforestación? El artículo propone algunas preguntas para evaluaciones aleatorizadas.
Woman leading a workshop in LAC

Reflexiones sobre un año trabajando por la igualdad de género en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Una de las prioridades de J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) es acelerar el crecimiento de evidencia rigurosa sobre enfoques efectivos para promover la igualdad de género en la región. A medida que nos acercamos al final del año 2022, presentamos algunas reflexiones sobre las lecciones aprendidas...
A man holds up his physical ID card.

Can digital IDs transform service delivery in sub-Saharan Africa? Reflections from Tavneet Suri

Digital IDs have the potential to transform the delivery of social protection programs and other government services in sub-Saharan Africa through better targeting and reduced leakages. In this podcast, Tavneet Suri, professor of Applied Economics at MIT Sloan School of Management and co-chair of J...
Train pulls in to London Road station while man walks on platform in heavy snow

Energy poverty in Europe: Using evidence to address an urgent challenge

The impacts of Covid-19, coupled with the war in Ukraine, have made households in Europe more susceptible to energy poverty, particularly as people are bracing themselves for the cold winter months to come. Yet, income losses during the pandemic and rising energy prices in response to European...
Women wearing colorful clothes carry goods in baskets on their heads in a market in Accra, Ghana.

Gender norms and women's work: Reflecting on current evidence and policy opportunities

While the challenges women face in entering and remaining in the labor market are not new, they have worsened in the wake of the pandemic. One of the barriers to women’s economic empowerment and labor market participation is restrictive gender norms relating to the acceptability of women working...
Prime Minister Sánchez speaking with Abhijit Banerjee on a stage.

Creando un policy lab para evaluar la política de inclusión social en España

J-PAL Europe, junto con un equipo de investigadores españoles e internacionales coordinados por el Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros, se ha asociado con el Ministerio Español de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones (MISSM) para lanzar un Policy Lab
A diverse group of co-workers mingle and work together in a common work space in Nairobi, Kenya

Policy and research to combat bias in the workplace

Rigorous research has shown that discriminatory practices are often embedded in the workplace. Many organizations have been developing tools and strategies to counter this type of bias for their employees. But how can we know which strategies are the most effective at combating bias in employment...