
Policy Publications

Search our database of policy briefcases, bulletins, and evidence reviews. Briefcases summarize the results and policy recommendations from one randomized evaluation, while bulletins synthesize the broader policy lessons emerging from multiple evaluations on the same topic. Evidence reviews summarize an existing academic literature review, like a handbook chapter or white paper, for a policy audience.

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Woman selling bread at a market. Myriam B | Shutterstock

Inspirando al éxito: Entrenamiento personalizado para emprendedores

Last Updated:
Last Updated:
Agosto 1, 2019
Agregar sesiones con un role model o asistencia técnica individual a cursos intensivos para microempresarios en Chile, aumentó los ingresos del hogar de los mismos, principalmente debido a que éstos lograron mejores resultados en sus negocios.
A man weaves a rug. Photo Credit: Haitham Fahmy | J-PAL

Egyptian Rug Firms Weave Their Way into Foreign Markets

Last Updated:
Last Updated:
Septiembre 1, 2019
Offering small rug producers in Egypt opportunities to export rugs to high-income markets increased firm profits through improvements in firms’ technical knowledge, efficiency, and product quality.