Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar Series: A collaboration between J-PAL MENA and UNICEF Egypt

About the Partnership
J-PAL MENA at AUC and UNICEF Egypt partnered to launch a Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight Seminar Series in Cairo, Egypt in 2019. This partnership, supported by Allianz, fosters a dialogue among Egyptian policymakers, development practitioners, and J-PAL affiliated professors around pertinent policy issues in Egypt. During each seminar, policymakers highlight a particular development priority in Egypt. J-PAL affiliates frame the policy issue from a global perspective and offer a synthesis of evidence-informed insights for improving policy and program design from the database of randomized evaluations conducted by J-PAL globally. In dialogue, the panel of policymakers and J-PAL affiliates ground the evidence in the Egyptian context and together explore possible policy solutions to development challenges in Egypt.
Past Seminars
Topics covered in the Global Evidence for Egypt Seminar Series:
Overcoming youth unemployment in Egypt: Evidence from Randomized Evaluations
The first Global Evidence for Egypt Spotlight seminar provided insights from randomized evaluations conducted globally on how to improve youth employment in Egypt.
Featured speakers
- Bruno Crépon, J-PAL MENA Co-Scientific Director and Professor of Economics at ENSAE and École Polytechnique.
- Hana Yoshimoto Education Chief at UNICEF Egypt
- Representative from the Ministry of Manpower
- Representative from the Ministry of Youth and Sports
Strengthening the Egyptian Education System to Better Reach Marginalized Children and Youth: What We Can Learn from Randomized Evaluations
The panelists and audience members, consisting of national policymakers, intergovernmental officials, education practitioners, and development researchers, engaged in a conversation covering a number of themes relevant for strengthening the education system in Egypt.
Featured Speakers
- Sule Alan, Professor of Economics at the European University Institute and J-PAL affiliated professor
- Ray Langsten, Research Associate Professor at AUC
- Yasmin Helal, Founder and Executive Director of the Educate Me Foundation
Learn more
Read the seminar recap blog.
Social Assistance Response to Large External Shocks in Egypt: What We Can Learn from Randomized Evaluations
This seminar provided insights into how Egypt can design social assistance programs that respond to the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations following the global pandemic.
Featured Speakers
- William Parienté, J-PAL Affiliated Professor & Professor at UC Louvain
- H.E Nevine El Kabbag, Minister of Social Solidarity
- Noura Selim, Executive Director of the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development
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Social Norms and Gender: What does global evidence tell us about shifting social and gender norms in favor of girls and women?
This seminar provided insights from randomized evaluations conducted globally on how to shift gender and social norms to improve the status of girls and women in Egypt.
Featured Speakers
- Eliana La Ferrara, J-PAL Affiliate and Fondazione Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi Chair in Development Economics at Bocconi University
- Dr. Naglaa El Adly, General Director of the External Relations and International Cooperation Department at the National Council for Women (NCW) in Egypt
- Dina Heikal, Communications for Development Officer at UNICEF
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Towards an evidence-informed development agenda for Egypt: Fostering government-research partnerships
Photo: Tale Tellers
The roundtable identified top development priorities in Egypt and knowledge gaps where evidence can help strengthen decision-making processes. The priorities discussed in this dialogue shaped the topics for the seminars J-PAL MENA at AUC and UNICEF Egypt co-hosted over the following year to ensure their close alignment with the Government of Egypt’s current agenda.
Featured Speakers
- Rema Hanna, Jeffrey Cheah Professor of South-East Asia Studies at Harvard University and J-PAL Southeast Asia Co-Scientific Director
- H.E Nevine El Kabbag, Minister of Social Solidarity
- Jeremy Hopkins, UNICEF Representative in Egypt
- Dr. Samer Atallah, Associate Dean, AUC School of Business
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Fertility and family planning: Insights on promoting healthy behaviors and curbing population growth in Egypt
This seminar provided insights on how to promote healthy behaviors and encourage family planning in Egypt.
Featured Speakers
- Caroline Krafft, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Political Science at St. Catherine University
- Dr. Tarek Tawfik, Deputy Minister of Health and Population for Population,
- Frederika Meijer, UNFPA Representative in Egypt
- Dina Heikal, Social and Behavioral Change Officer at UNICEF Egypt
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Early Childhood Development: Guiding investments in long-term human capital development in Egypt
This seminar fostered a conversation around early childhood development in Egypt with a focus on health, nutrition, education, and the home environment. It shared evidence from low- and middle- income countries to provide insights on guiding investments in multiple domains to foster long-term human capital development in Egypt.
Featured Speakers
- Karen Macours, Professor at Paris School of Economics and Co-Chair of the Health sector at J-PAL Global
- H.E. Nevine El Kabbag, Minister of Social Solidarity
- Dr. Wael AbdelRazek, Head of the Primary Healthcare and Nursery Sector at the Ministry of Health and Population
- Dr. Inas Hegazy, Early Childhood Development Manager at UNICEF Egypt
Learn more
Read the seminar brief (English, Arabic), recap blog, or watch the recording.
The road to COP27: Shifting behaviors to address climate change in Egypt
Photo: Tale Tellers
This seminar provided insights on incorporating evidence-based solutions in combating climate change to ensure that climate financing and resources are effectively allocated in the Egyptian context.
Featured Speakers
- Kyle Emerick, J-PAL Affiliate and Associate Professor of Economics at Tufts University
- Dr. Ahmad Dallal, President of the American University in Cairo
- Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP27
- Dr. Ali Abo Sena, CEO of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Ministry of Environment
- Jeremy Hopkins, UNICEF Representative in Egypt
Learn more
Read the seminar brief (English, Arabic), recap blog, or watch the recording.
Global Evidence for Egypt Conference: Using Evidence to Inform Decision-Making
The conference focused on how evidence from randomized evaluations conducted globally can inform decision-making in Egypt. Panels included discussions on evidence generation and use, women's empowerment and human capital development, and financial inclusion and rural development.
Featured Speakers
- Alison Fahey, Executive Director of J-PAL MENA at AUC
- Jeremy Hopkins, UNICEF Representative in Egypt
- Dr. Ahmad Dallal, President of the American University in Cairo
- Dr. Ahmed ElSayed, Director of Research, J-PAL MENA at AUC and Research Associate Professor at AUC
- Dr. Reham Rizk, Head of Social Planning and Development Unit at MPED
- Dr. Atef El-Shabrawi, Advisor to the Minister of Social Solidarity
- Dr. Bruno Crepon, Scientific Director of J-PAL MENA and Professor at ENSAE and École Polytechnique
- Dr. Amira Tawadros, Director of the Demographic Center in Cairo and Coordinator of the National Family Development Program at MPED
- Ms. Somaya El Alfy, Head of the Central Department for Planning and Follow-Up at NCCM
- Dr. Jeremy Magruder, Professor and Department Chair at the University of California-Berkeley
- Dr. Gamel Helmy, Assistant Minister for Monitoring Affairs at MPED
- Eng. Tarek Shash, Deputy Executive Director and Head of Planning and International Cooperation at MSMEDA
Learn more
Read the recap blog or watch the recording.
Digital Learning: Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching in Egypt
This seminar highlighted evidence on the use of technology in education — specifically how low-tech interventions can facilitate student-centered learning and improve access to education for children who are socially and economically marginalized. For more information, check the event page
Featured Speakers
Dr. Ahmed Daher, Deputy Minister for Technological Development
Dr. Samer Atallah, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and Associate Professor of Economics at The American University in Cairo’s School of Business
Mr. Liban Hussein, Chief of Social Policy and Child Rights Monitoring, and Acting Deputy Representative Programme, UNICEF Egypt
Dr. Andreas de Barros, Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine’s School of Education
Dr. Ahmed Elsayed, Executive Director of J-PAL MENA at AUC and Associate Professor at The American University in Cairo’s School of Business
Mr. Shiraz Chakera, Chief of Education for UNICEF Egypt
Ms. Hend Gelgel, Egypt Go-To-Market Consultant at Wadhwani Foundation
Learn more
Read the seminar brief (English, Arabic), or watch the recording of the event.