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The impact of payments for ecosystem services on crop burning in India

Researchers are conducting a randomized evaluation to test the impact of a PES program that offers financial rewards to paddy farmers for reducing burning of crop residue (or “stubble”) on stubble burning in Punjab, India.

Can Transportation Subsidies Reduce Failures to Appear in Criminal Court?

Rebecca Brough
Matthew Freedman
Daniel E. Ho
Researchers partnered with local agencies in King County, Washington to evaluate the impact of providing transit subsidies on rates of FTA in court. While the study was disrupted due to Covid-19, the pilot results indicated that transit subsidies had little effect on reducing FTA.

Parrainage des jeunes pour leur projet professionnel (Actenses), France

Les chercheurs ont examiné l'impact du programme de mentorat et d'orientation sur les résultats scolaires, les connaissances professionnelles et les objectifs de carrière de 2 500 élèves de 22 établissements écoles secondaires. Dans l'ensemble, le programme de mentorat a modifié les ambitions...