

Noticias, ideas y análisis del equipo de J-PAL y profesores afiliados. Subscríbete a nuestra lista para recibir emails mensuales con actualizaciones.

Students at event held in Universidad Catolica Chile

Inspirando a estudiantes a explorar carreras de desarrollo en Chile y Guatemala

Si bien muchas personas tienden a asociar la Economía principalmente con carreras en inversiones y banca, la Economía del Desarrollo ofrece una vía alternativa que puede valer la pena explorar. Para ayudar a ampliar esta percepción general, J-PAL América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) desarrolló...
Laptop computer open to J-PAL's Evaluatying Social Programs webpage

Growing a global community for impact evaluation: J-PAL’s online courses

This is the third blog in a series illustrating stories of how J-PAL’s training courses have built new policy and research partnerships and strengthened existing ones to advance evidence-informed decision-making. The first blog in the series highlights two meaningful examples from J-PAL’s Evaluating...
Man and woman look at laptop

So, you got a null result. Now what?

While a null result is likely not what you were hoping for, and while null results can (unfortunately) be more difficult to publish, they can spur just as important insights and policy implications as significant results. However, to learn from a null result, it is necessary to understand the why...
A headshot of Nneka Osadolor.

African Scholar Spotlight: Nneka Osadolor

In this spotlight, we speak with Nneka Esther Osadolor, a PhD candidate in economics at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Nneka’s primary research interests are broadly in development economics and applied microeconomics, including labor markets, financial inclusion, poverty, inequality, and gender...
Zeqi Yasin interviewing a respondent for an evaluation in Indonesia.

20 for 20: Fostering ethical research practices through collaboration

  • Mohammad Zeqi Yasin
This is the fourth post of J-PAL’s 20 for 20: Partner Voices blog series, where we showcase stories of results and impact with our partners to celebrate our twentieth anniversary. Read on to learn about Mohammad Zeqi Yasin’s, head of research at the Research Institute of Socioeconomic Development...
A group of students sit at desks with computers.

Integrating tech in post-pandemic classrooms: Insights from teachers

As part of our work in the education sector, J-PAL Southeast Asia (J-PAL SEA) initiated a study with J-PAL affiliated professors and coauthors to evaluate the impact of a teaching method that integrates technology and interactive student-centered teaching to improve students’ math outcomes. As part...
Headshots of Laura Lee and Luke

Behind the Economics Transformation Project: Get to know our Instructional Designers

The Economics Transformation Project (ETP) is a student-informed pathway program that aims to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive field of economics for scholars from backgrounds historically underrepresented in the field. In this interview, our Instructional Designers share how their...
Young Indian farmer digging in the field in front of sprinklers, at sunset

J-PAL South Asia and Community Jameel reaffirm their commitment to increase clean air and water access with the launch of SARWA

Two of the most fundamental necessities for human survival are under stress today: clean air and water. To fight this pressing problem, J-PAL, with Community Jameel, has launched the Air and Water Labs with government partners in Africa, MENA, and South Asia. Together, these labs aim to improve...