
Nous organisons des événements, conférences, séminaires en ligne et ateliers de formation dans le monde entier pour les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les acteurs de terrain. 

Upcoming Events

Animación con fotografías de eventos y talleres organizados en el marco de la alianza UVG y J-PAL

Celebrando un año de la alianza J-PAL y UVG

- (11am-1:30pm EDT)
Auditorio CIT-727, Dr. Carlos Manuel Paiz Andrade, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, 18 Av. 11-95 Zona 15, Vista Hermosa III, Guatemala
J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) y la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) le invitan al evento por el primer año del inicio de su alianza. El objetivo es presentar los avances del trabajo conjunto de UVG y J-PAL LAC para promover la toma de decisiones informada por evidencia en Guatemala.
Female garment vendor at an informal market

Curso en línea: Introducción a la evaluación de programas y uso de evidencia para organizaciones en Centroamérica

- (12-2pm EDT)
J-PAL LAC ofrecerá una capacitación gratuita en línea para introducir la evaluación de impacto aleatorizada y el uso de evidencia para la generación de mejores programas sociales y gubernamentales.
Participants at J-PAL's Evaluating Social Programs course in Cambridge, USA.
Workshop or Training

J-PAL/MIT Evaluating Social Programs Course, 2024

Cambridge, MA, US
This five-day, in-person training provides an in-depth look at why and when randomized evaluations can be used to rigorously measure the impact of social programs.
Woman studying during the 2023 Summer School
Workshop or Training

Ecole d’été 2024: Méthodologies du Développement

Rabat, Maroc
Dans le cadre de la Chaire «Méthodologies du Développement» d’Abhijit Banerjee et Esther Duflo, une école d’été pour chercheurs et porteurs de projets africains sera organisée du 2 au 5 juillet 2024 à Rabat, sur le campus de l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P).
A woman works on her laptop in an office setting in Uganda.

J-PAL Africa Conducting Experimental Research Course

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This five-day academic workshop on conducting randomized evaluations aims to strengthen the knowledge and further develop the good practices of participants who are already well-versed in the methodological foundations of impact evaluations.
J-PAL and IPA Humanitarian Incubator Photo
Workshop or Training

Humanitarian Action Research Incubator in Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt
J-PAL and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) are pleased to announce that applications are now open for a three-day randomized evaluation design workshop as part of the Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) and ongoing work to improve humanitarian protection programs to develop projects in the...
A man installs a solar panel on a rooftop on a sunny day.

J-PAL North America Evidence for Climate Action Convening

Organisé par:
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Join J-PAL North America as we connect state and local climate leaders, government associations, and academic researchers from across the country to advance evidence for climate action. During our July convening, participants will share opportunities and develop strategies for researcher-government...
Group photo of 2023 ESP participants in Johannesburg

J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course

Organisé par:
Accra, Ghana
The J-PAL Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course will provide a thorough understanding of randomized evaluations and pragmatic step-by-step training for conducting one’s own evaluation.

Past Events

A woman works on her laptop in an office setting in Uganda.
Workshop or Training

Evaluation des Programmes Sociaux, 2022 - Formation J-PAL Afrique

Abuja, Nigeria
Au cours de cinq journées de formation, les participants comprendront pourquoi et quand une évaluation rigoureuse d’impact social est nécessaire, quelles sont les différentes méthodes possibles et comment concevoir une évaluation randomisée dans des conditions pratiques réelles.
A man in a brown and white flannel kneeling in a leafy green field while holding a tablet in his left hand and a leaf in his right hand.

Launching the Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative’s Regional Scholars Program

Live via Zoom
This webinar will introduce Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative's Fall 2022 funding priorities and provide information for African and South Asian scholars about how to apply for this funding.
Ecole d'ete 2022 - Photo page web
Workshop or Training

École d’été: Méthodologies du Développement

Abdijan, Côte d'Ivoire
Dans le cadre de la Chaire «Méthodologies du Développement» portée par Abhijit Banerjee et Esther Duflo, une école d’été pour chercheurs et décideurs africains sera organisée du 5 au 8 juillet 2022 à Abidjan, sur le campus de L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée (ENSEA...
mujer concentrada hilando manto típico, Latinoamérica

Generando evidencia para impulsar la agencia económica de las mujeres en Centroamérica, México y Colombia

- (12-1:30pm EDT)
J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe junto a la Iniciativa de Género y Agencia Económica (GEA) de J-PAL organizarán un webinar, gratuito y en español sobre lecciones de evidencia para promover la agencia económica de las mujeres aplicable al contexto de Centroamérica, México y Colombia. Asimismo...
A diverse group of co-workers mingle and work together in a common work space in Nairobi, Kenya

Countering Discrimination: Policy and Research to Combat Bias in the Workplace

Organisé par:
Live via Zoom
Rigorous research has shown that discriminatory practices are often embedded in the workplace. This webinar will address what strategies are effective at combating this type of bias.
Students and teacher participating in executive education course
Workshop or Training

Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Germany and Beyond

Organisé par:
Bonn, Germany
This event will bring together German domestic policymakers, implementers, and actors of the German development cooperation to discuss and learn about evidence use and rigorous impact evaluation. Together we would like to work towards more evidence-informed programming and policymaking in Germany...
A young person participates in a Vocational Skills Training Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa

Recherche d’emploi et qualité des emplois des jeunes

- (10-11:30am EDT)
En ligne, via Zoom
Dans le cadre des séminaires de recherche du Morocco Employment Lab (MEL), Prof. Imran Rasul présentera une étude récente intitulée: “Recherche d’emploi et qualité des emplois des jeunes : Résultats d’une étude de six ans en Ouganda” (“The search for good jobs: Evidence from a six-year field...
J-PAL affiliate Luc Behagel presents at a J-PAL training event.
Workshop or Training

J-PAL/MIT Evaluating Social Programs Course, 2022

Live via Zoom
Held live over Zoom, this five-day training will equip participants with the resources and knowledge to engage with impact evaluations of social programs. The interactive course provides an in-depth look at why and when randomized evaluations can be used to rigorously measure social impact, methods...