Lecciones de la Evidencia

¿Qué hemos aprendido de las evaluaciones aleatorizadas que los hacedores de política pública, los tomadores de decisiones y los donantes puedan usar para mejorar los programas sociales? Las Lecciones de la Evidencia de J-PAL están organizadas por sector y resaltan los aprendizajes que surgen en múltiples estudios y los mecanismos que ayudan a explicar los resultados encontrados.

Los Directores de cada Sector y el staff de J-PAL resumen estas lecciones a partir de evaluaciones aleatorizadas relevantes y las actualizan constantemente incorporando los hallazgos de la literatura más reciente. Cada lección resume la evidencia sobre un tema específico, ofreciendo enlaces a los artículos de investigación y a los resúmenes de las evaluaciones. Para más información sobre cómo desarrollamos nuestras Lecciones de la Evidencia, puedes leer esta entrada en nuestro blog.

Esperamos que estas Lecciones, al combinarse con un entendimiento detallado del contexto local y de la implementación del programa, puedan ser herramientas prácticas para el diseño de políticas y programas informados por evidencia. Para ver ejemplos de cómo las Lecciones de la Evidencia han informado las políticas públicas, visita nuestra página De la Evidencia a la Acción

A vaccine injection is being prepared for a child.

Increasing routine child immunization coverage in low- and middle-income countries

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Interventions that strengthen the delivery of vaccines and those that increase demand for vaccination are imperative to increasing child immunization coverage. Improved delivery can be achieved by ensuring vaccines are reliably and locally available and strengthening health worker performance, while...
A street with fruit stands and sellers.

Encouraging micro and small enterprises to formalize

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Informal firms are defined as those that operate outside of the legal and regulatory system and are therefore not registered for the required business operating licenses. Operating formally may allow firms to grow by expanding their customer base, paying fewer fines, and gaining access to more...
A female worker is selling clothes and earning cash.

The impacts of economic interventions on intimate partner violence

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An estimated one in every three women worldwide has suffered physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in her lifetime. Achieving gender equality and eliminating violence against women are major global development goals. One popular strategy to reduce IPV is to increase women’s access to...
A woman opens her mail while sitting in a chair

Improving tax compliance through reminder messages for taxpayers

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Sending tax reminder messages to taxpayers is a cost-effective strategy to increase short-term tax compliance. Governments looking to improve tax compliance should invest in sending simple deterrence-framed messages to taxpayers.
Nurse meets with a pregnant patient.

Improving health worker performance through pay-for-performance programs

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Pay-for-performance incentive programs for health care workers reward providers based on measurable performance indicators. Providing performance-based pay in addition to base pay can help to improve health provider performance on well-chosen targeted indicators relative to providing only base pay.
Improving student learning: impacts by gender

Improving student learning: Impacts by gender

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Most programs to improve student learning have similar impacts on girls and boys. However, policymakers should consider potential different effects by gender while designing programs since, in some cases, program design choices led to different impacts on girls and boys.
green watermelons being sold in open air market in Vietnam

Incentivizing higher-quality agricultural outputs

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Despite making investments in technologies and practices to improve the quality of their products, smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries do not often receive higher prices for their higher-quality agricultural goods. Disorganized markets with many intermediaries may make quality...