Coping with War Through God: Islamic-Based CBT and the Promotion of Mental Health and Prosociality Among Refugees

Over the past two decades, Muslim countries have disproportionately suffered from civil wars that have caused the displacement of millions of people, either as refugees or Internally Displaced People (IDP). The displaced people are particularly vulnerable to psychological disorders because of war-related traumas and adverse experiences before departure, during the transition, and after arrival in a new community. Nonetheless, they have very limited or no access to mental health services. In addition, the experiences of war and displacement undermine intergroup trust and contribute to hostile attitudes and antisocial behavior toward outgroups, particularly toward members of rival groups. Researchers propose a pilot study to examine the impacts of Islamic-based counseling. The randomized evaluation will be conducted in Turkey and will study the effects of Islamic-based CBT, delivered by religious clerics, on Afghan refugees’ mental health and prosociality toward outgroups.

RFP Cycle:
Sixth Round (Fall 2020)
  • Jacob Shapiro
  • Mohammad R Isaqzadeh
  • Pilot project