

Browse news articles about J-PAL and our affiliated professors, and read our press releases and monthly global and research newsletters. For media inquiries, please email us.

These experiments could lift millions out of dire poverty

Nature discusses how the findings of randomized control trials, such as those led by J-PAL executive committee member Dean Karlan, are being used by governments to reduce poverty.

Decidiendo para un futuro mejor: haciendo frente al terremoto educativo desde las escuelas y liceos

Independientemente de lo que suceda con las nuevas variantes de Covid-19 nuestras niñas y niños pasaron un tiempo prolongado en que el proceso educativo se interrumpió de modo sustantivo. A pesar de los esfuerzos tenaces de las comunidades educativas y familias, existe evidencia de que las...

Closing the COVID Trust Deficit

Pascaline Dupas, Joseph Doyle, and Karen Macours write about the emerging body of evidence that holds important lessons for overcoming Covid-19 information constraints, combating misinformation, and building trust in health systems. These insights may also help to improve delivery and increase...

A Better Education for All During—and After—the COVID-19 Pandemic

Research from the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and its partners shows how to help children learn amid erratic access to schools during a pandemic, and how those solutions may make progress toward the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring a quality education for all by 2030.

J-PAL Co-Founders Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo Awarded Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics

J-PAL co-founders Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, with longtime J-PAL affiliate Michael Kremer, were jointly awarded the 2019 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The prize was awarded “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.”

Parents know better than standardized tests

J-PAL affiliate Eric Bettinger and his research team found that students who won a lottery for a voucher in Colombia were 17% more likely to complete high school on time than students who lost the lottery.