Shofie Alya Qodriani

Headshot of Shofie Alya Qodriani

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Shofie Alya is a Research Associate at J-PAL Southeast Asia. She is now working on the Labor Market Matching project which aims to better understand how employers value the different characteristics of job seekers in Indonesian labor market. Prior to occupying this position, Shofie was also an Intern in J-PAL Southeast Asia and has assisted several projects using Randomized Control Trial.

Shofie has graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2021 with bachelor’s degree in Economics. During her college period, she worked as a part-timer in the Laboratory of Economics at Universitas Gadjah Mada, where she was in charge in developing course modules of Mathematics for Business, International Economics, and Macroeconomics.