Leonard Wantchekon

J-PAL Affiliated Professor
James Madison Professor of Political Economy and Professor of Politics and International Affairs
Princeton University
Leonard Wantchekon is the James Madison Professor of Political Economy and Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University, as well as Associated Faculty in Economics. His research is broadly focused on Political Economy and development economics particularly in Africa, and his specific interests include experimental studies on democracy and governance, resource curse, and long-term social impact of historical events. He is the author of numerous publications in leading academic journals, including “The Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa” (with Nathan Nunn), in the American Economic Review; “The Paradox of “Warlord” Democracy: A Theoretical Investigation,” in the American Political Science Review (2004); Clientelism and Voting Behavior: A Field Experiment in Benin, World Politics (2003) as well as “Electoral Competition under the Threat of Political Unrest” (with Matthew Ellman) in the Quarterly Journal of Economics (2000).
Leonard earned his PhD from Northwestern University.