Join the TaRL Africa team!

TaRL Africa: Who we are
The Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Africa team was launched in January as a joint initiative of Pratham and J-PAL. We collaborate with governments and partners across Africa to address the learning crisis in primary schools through TaRL, an educational approach that builds foundational reading and math skills.
Pratham and J-PAL have worked together over the last fifteen years to improve upon and refine TaRL through rigorous randomized evaluations, identifying the most effective and scalable solutions to improve learning in schools. The TaRL Africa team embodies a combination of characteristics from both organisations: exceptional spirit and drive to meaningfully improve learning for all children, education expertise, deep experience taking programs to scale, commitment to policy engagement and evidence-based decision-making, and continuous learning.
Learn more about the TaRL approach >>
We’re looking for passionate program and policy experts to join our team and help lead efforts to expand TaRL to reach up to three million primary school students in Africa over the next five years.
What we do
TaRL Africa consists of a central team and multiple in-country support teams. We work directly with governments and their partners to develop, adapt, and embed TaRL approaches in education systems, and collaborate with non-governmental organizations to build and strengthen TaRL-inspired approaches.
The central team supports delivery of TaRL programs across countries and partners, ensuring high-quality implementation true to the TaRL approach. We also create useful resources for government officials, school administrators, and teachers, support development of detailed monitoring systems, and drive a robust learning and innovation agenda across countries.
In-country teams work closely with governments and other implementing partners on context-specific TaRL programs in Côte d’Ivoire, Zambia, and Nigeria, with potential to expand to new countries in the future. We forge long-term partnerships through working together to adapt the TaRL approach with evidence and experience, solve implementation challenges as they arise, and plan toward sustainability and scale.
Across the team we are working to connect and grow leaders of practice who can innovate, learn, and demonstrate effective TaRL approaches. As a team committed to evidence and learning, this work will contribute to a global learning agenda that informs how to effectively improve children’s learning outcomes at scale. We hope to lay a strong foundation for continued improvement of learning outcomes for all children.
Join us!
To achieve these goals we are recruiting high-caliber team members dedicated to improving children’s learning across Africa for several new and dynamic positions.
Most positions will have specific focus areas, including teaching and learning, monitoring and measurement, program management, policy, communications, research, and finance and operations. These roles provide extraordinary opportunities to help shape this exciting new venture, with the potential to make meaningful systems-based change.
As we begin to the build the TaRL Africa team, we are currently recruiting for three positions:
We’ll be posting more open positions in the coming months. To stay up to date on upcoming vacancies, sign up for the TaRL newsletter and regularly check our Join the Team page on the TaRL website!
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Teaching at the Right Level to improve learning

J-PAL and Pratham awarded philanthropic funding toward education systems change: New Teaching at the Right Level Africa initiative to support over three million primary school students with evidence-backed approach