

News, ideas, and analysis from J-PAL staff and affiliated professors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly email updates.

Learning math in classroom India

The making of an NGO consortium to scale up “Every Child Counts” in India

In India, nearly every eligible child is enrolled in a primary school today. But many of them struggle to read simple sentences and do basic arithmetic. These children need special support to strengthen their foundational learning capabilities. Every Child Counts - a game-based curriculum designed...
An illustration of a journal page

Lesson #3 | What not-to-do: Wisdom from years of trials (and errors)

This blog is the final installation of a three-part series by J-PAL South Asia’s executive director Shobhini Mukerji reflecting on two decades of advancing evidence-based policymaking.
Man in field with crops

Celebrating the DAISI Regional Scholars Program—Two-years strong

  • Abel Mkulama
The Regional Scholars Program has taken center stage at the Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative (DAISI) nearly two years after its launch. The DAISI Regional Scholars Program is integral to DAISI and promotes research opportunities for scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa and...
Two women wearing headscarves use a drill to upcycle a piece of wood furniture.

New Humanitarian Protection Initiative will help reduce harm to people affected by conflict

Today, the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) launch the Humanitarian Protection Initiative (HPI). The core of this initiative is a research fund dedicated to generating rigorous evidence to inform policies and programs that protect conflict...

Graduation approach: Updated insights and best practices at scale

Recently, J-PAL updated its Policy Insight on the Graduation approach, in addition to a guide outlining key lessons from the large-scale adaptation of the graduation program, Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana (SJY) by the State Government of Bihar in India.
Young Indian farmer digging in the field in front of sprinklers, at sunset

J-PAL South Asia and Community Jameel reaffirm their commitment to increase clean air and water access with the launch of SARWA

Two of the most fundamental necessities for human survival are under stress today: clean air and water. To fight this pressing problem, J-PAL, with Community Jameel, has launched the Air and Water Labs with government partners in Africa, MENA, and South Asia. Together, these labs aim to improve...
Farmer standing in his growing soybean field examining the progress of plants.

Identifying and testing gender-sensitive and climate-resilient agricultural solutions: The Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative’s first round of projects

J-PAL and the Center for Effective Global Action’s (CEGA) Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative (DAISI) was launched in 2021 to rigorously evaluate programs that increase the availability, quality, and reach of bundled, digital agricultural solutions and services for small-scale...
Two headshots are placed in a collage together; on the left, there is a color photo of a woman, on the right, there is a black and white photo of a man.

Alumni Voices: The first draft of emissions trading in India

Yuanjian Carla Li (former Senior Research Associate, 2010-12) and Arun Singh (former Research Associate, 2013-15) were among the first few research staff members at J-PAL South Asia who helped spur conversations around emissions trading in India.