Scol'ectiv Project - Engaging Teachers and Parents through Computer-Aided Learning: The Impact of a Personalised Application on Newly Arrived Allophone Students’ Learning, Integration, and Development

Language barriers often represent a significant obstacle to the integration of allophone children. They can prevent their socialisation with peers, lead to learning difficulties at school, and reduce parental involvement in children’s education. This pilot evaluates the feasibility of an RCT that aims at studying the impact of a technological intervention on (i) first-generation immigrant children’s development, learning, and integration; (ii) parental involvement in education and social inclusion; and (iii) teaching practices in a multicultural context. Heterogeneous effects by gender are also of interest. 

Created by the startup LearnEnjoy in partnership with the French Ministry of Education, the application “School” aims to provide adapted learning to students in grades 1-5. It can support newly arrived children to learn French easily and quickly as well as to make a diagnosis and regular assessment of their level in French and mathematics. This study aims to assess the impact of using the application on teachers, students, and parents. 

The pilot phase will include a qualitative study in selected schools from the original sample of schools. This will enable the research team to understand and address potential obstacles of a full-scale evaluation. The pilot will also combine a first test of our questionnaires as well as initial suggestive statistics allowing the research team to refine power calculations and clarify the needed sample size for the full-scale study.

RFP Cycle:
Third round
  • Flore Gubert
  • Alice Mesnard
  • Alexandre Touw
  • Pilot project