

Browse news articles about J-PAL and our affiliated professors, and read our press releases and monthly global and research newsletters. For media inquiries, please email us.

TN sets up permission matrix in data policy as national rulebook gets drafted

J-PAL South Asia collaborated with IIT Madras and Tamil Nadu's state government to develop a data policy that delineates guidelines for researchers, policy consultants, private companies, and the public, clarifying the state’s stance on data.

Govt. study calls for an incentive programme for walking

A study by J-PAL affiliates Shilpa Aggarwal and Rebecca Dizon-Ross found that an incentive program to increase walking among diabetics and pre-diabetics had positive effects.

Veddis Foundation and J-PAL South Asia set up ASPIRE to accelerate evidence-based policymaking

New Delhi, India: The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia and Veddis Foundation announced the launch of the Alliance for Scaling Policy Impact through Research and Evidence (ASPIRE) today. ASPIRE aims to spur the adoption of anti-poverty policies rooted in scientific evidence...

Government of Delhi Partners with J-PAL South Asia to Unlock High-Quality Administrative Data for Boosting Social and Economic Growth in India’s Capital

The Government of Delhi’s Dialogue and Development Commission (DDC) has partnered with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia to systematically leverage high-quality administrative data for implementing policies geared toward stimulating social and economic development in the...

Odisha: Students to learn gender equity in schools from this academic year

The Government of Odisha will begin a collaboration with J-PAL that will introduce a gender equity curriculum into Odisha schools during the 2022-2023 academic year.

Experimentalists and Poverty Eradication

The article provides an overview of the previous work Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, J-PAL cofounders, and J-PAL affiliate Michael Kremer did that led them to earning the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

A 'Big Push' to Lift People out of Poverty

Abhijit Banerjee, J-PAL co-founder, discussed the findings of a paper he co-authored that was recently published in the American Economic Review. Esther Duflo, J-PAL co-founder, and Garima Sharma also contributed to the article, which was based on a randomized evaluation conducted in India to assess...

eGov Foundation partners with J-PAL South Asia to improve government service delivery in India through effective use of technology and data

eGovernments Foundation (eGov) is partnering with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab South Asia (J-PAL South Asia) to conduct research on improving public service delivery across Indian states through effective use of digital technology and data.