Jeanne Lafortune

Scientific Director, J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean
J-PAL Affiliated Professor
Department of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC Chile)
Jeanne Lafortune is a Full Professor in the Department of Economics at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Her primary fields of interest are labor and development economics, with a particular interest in family economics. Her research has, among various topics, looked at how marriage markets and laws governing personal relationships influence economic decisions and the relationship between technological change and labor markets. Using randomized evaluations, she has studied entrepreneurship training, estimated the willingness-to-pay for labor market flexibility and how the provision of information can influence workers’ safety and savings behavior. She holds a PhD in Economics from MIT.
In addition to serving as Scientific Director of J-PAL LAC, Jeanne has served on the review board of J-PAL's Invited Researcher Selection Committee and Gender and Economic Agency Initiative and has lectured at J-PAL training events.