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UJALA Custom Training Program participants

Building capacity for evidence-based agricultural programs in Africa

The UM6P-J-PAL Agricultural Lab for Africa recently hosted its Custom Training Program, bringing together 37 participants from thirteen countries, including OCP Africa staff implementing smallholder farming interventions across ten African nations, to develop the skills needed to evaluate their...
PPF's Spring Meeting titled “Fair Transitions” on June 10, 2024, at UM6P in Benguerir, Morocco, convening heads of state to he need for stakeholder cohesion and attracting financial investment.

Mobilizing agricultural development in Africa: J-PAL joins the Paris Peace Forum Coalition

The Paris Peace Forum (PPF), a French nonprofit organization, launched a policy initiative in 2023 called "Mobilizing for Strong and Sustainable Food and Nutrition Systems in Africa" to promote sustainable agricultural transformation on the African continent through South-North dialogue on policy...
A headshot of a man

African Scholar Spotlight: Dr. Toyin Samuel Olowogbon

This post is part of our ongoing series showcasing the work and perspectives of economists from the African continent who are leading randomized evaluations. This post features Toyin Samuel Olowogbon, an agricultural economist at the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Empowerment and a postdoctoral...
Man in field with crops

Celebrating the DAISI Regional Scholars Program—Two-years strong

  • Abel Mkulama
The Regional Scholars Program has taken center stage at the Digital Agricultural Innovations and Services Initiative (DAISI) nearly two years after its launch. The DAISI Regional Scholars Program is integral to DAISI and promotes research opportunities for scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa and...
An aerial shot of a village.

New resource: Incorporating remote sensing data into randomized evaluations

A growing number of economists are incorporating remotely sensed (RS) data—satellite data in particular—into their studies. For randomized evaluations, remote data collection offers alluring possibilities: lower data collection costs, a longer time series of data both before and after an...
A man waters his crops.

Using insurance and climate-smart technologies to help farmers cope with weather-based risk

An urgent policy priority, both to increase farmers’ own productivity and profits and to contribute to stabilizing food security throughout these regions, is to provide accessible forms of risk protection. J-PAL’s updated Policy Insight reviews 23 randomized evaluations on common interventions...
Rwanda agricultural landscape

J-PAL and UM6P launch new agriculture research lab to improve food security and support evidence-informed decision-making in sub-Saharan Africa

On October 10, J-PAL in partnership with University Mohammed VI Polytechnic launched the UM6P-J-PAL Agricultural Lab for Africa. Chaired by Tavneet Suri (MIT, J-PAL Agriculture sector Co-Chair), the lab will be hosted at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Rabat, Morocco, with the goal of...
Local farmers work in rice fields in Lombok, Indonesia.

Tailoring information to increase technology adoption among farmers

J-PAL’s updated Policy Insight reviews strategies to improve information dissemination to help farmers make optimal production decisions and investments to improve their livelihoods.