
Our staff work in four verticals: Research, Education, and Training; Policy and Communications; Evidence to Scale, and Finance and Operations. Staff support J-PAL's work at our global office at MIT and regional offices worldwide.


Headshot of Khaira Abdillah

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Rahadian Ahmad

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Farah Amalia

Associate Director of Policy and Training, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Restu Fitri Ariani

Operations Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Kahfi B Sya

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Rizka Diandra Firdaus

Policy and Communications Manager, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Adiyati Dwitami

Senior Policy Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Nurul Fadilah

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Ghifari Firman

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot Persona Gemilang

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Scientific Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Co-Chair, Social Protection

Member, Executive Committee

Jeffrey Cheah Professor of South-East Asia Studies

Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Headshot of Nabila Salma Huwaida

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Ahmad Jibril

Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Nadia Karina

Policy Manager, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Chaerudin Kodir

Senior Data Manager, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Fabian Kurniawardana

Finance & Operations Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Astuti Kusumaningrum

Research Manager, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Lisnawati Lisnawati

Training & Policy Manger, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Hanny Achmad

Administrative Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Lina Marliani

Executive Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Bertha Fania Maula

Research Manager, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Saskia Rizqina Maulida

Senior Research Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Headshot of Anggia Nahomy

Senior Finance & Operations Associate, J-PAL Southeast Asia

The photo shows Ben Olken in a button-up shirt

Director, J-PAL

Scientific Director, J-PAL Southeast Asia

Co-Chair, Social Protection

Member, Executive Committee

Jane Berkowitz Carlton and Dennis William Carlton Professor of Microeconomics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)