Affiliated Professors

Our affiliates are professors at over 120 universities who conduct randomized evaluations around the world to design, evaluate, and improve programs and policies aimed at reducing poverty, and publish the results of these evaluations in high-quality economics journals. They set their own research agendas, raise funds to support their evaluations, and work with J-PAL staff on research, policy outreach, and training.

A headshot of a man


University of East Anglia

Danila Serra

Associate Professor

Texas A&M University

Elizabeth Setren headshot

Gunnar Myrdal Assistant Professor of Economics

Tufts University

Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy

University of California, Berkeley

Yogita Shamdasani

Assistant Professor

National University of Singapore

Abu Shonchoy

Associate Professor of Economics

Florida International University

Abhijeet Singh

Associate Professor of Economics

Stockholm School of Economics

A headshot of a man

Associate Professor

Australian National University

Rodrigo Soares head shot

Lemann Foundation Professor of Economics


Vincent Somville Headhsot J-PAL Affiliate


NHH Norwegian School of Economics

John Sloan Dickey Third Century Professor in the Department of Economics

Dartmouth College

A headshot of a man

Associate Professor

University of Warwick

Olga Stoddard

Associate Professor

Brigham Young University

head shot of Anant Sudarshan

Associate Professor

University of Warwick

Headshot of Sandip Sukhtankar


University of Virginia

James Sullivan

Professor of Economics

University of Notre Dame

Tavneet Suri headshot

Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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University of Cologne, University of Innsbruck

Jakob Svensson head shot

Professor of Economics

Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University

Associate Professor (on leave)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra


European University Institute

A headshot of a man

Associate Professor

University of California, Berkeley

Associate Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Rebecca Thornton head shot


Baylor University

A headshot of a man

Assistant Professor

University of Pittsburgh

Robert E. and Emily King Professor of Economics

Northwestern University

A headshot of a woman


University of Bristol

Honorary Professor

University of Bristol

Lore Vandewalle

Professor of Economics

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)

Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Columbia University

Associate Professor of Economics

University of California, Berkeley

Leonard Wantchekon head shot

James Madison Professor of Political Economy and Professor of Politics and International Affairs

Princeton University

Jonathan Weigel

Assistant Professor of Economics

University of California, Berkeley

Headshot of Heidi Williams

Orville E. Dryfoos Professor in Economics and Public Affairs

Dartmouth College

Headshot of Jack Willis

Assistant Professor

Columbia University

Firman Kartaadipoetra

Associate Professor

Australia National University

A headshot of a woman

James T. Riady Associate Professor of Real Estate

University of Pennsylvania

Professor of Development Economics

University of Oxford

Professor of Development and Emerging Markets

University of Zurich

A headshot of a woman

Bennett Boskey Professor of Law

Harvard Law School

Headshot of David Yang


Harvard University

Dean Yang head shot


University of Michigan

Associate Professor of Economics

University of California, Los Angeles

Headshot of Andrew Zeitlin wearing gray shirt

Associate Professor

Georgetown University

R. Stephen Cheheyl Professor of Economics

Dartmouth College

Ariel Zucker

Assistant Professor

UC Santa Cruz